Quote and Buy Online

Use our online portal to quote and buy a variety of commercial and personal insurance products. If you need assistance, well that’s what we are here for – so please don’t hesitate to speak to any of our experienced client service brokers.

Using any of the links below will redirect you to the insurer’s website. By clicking the link you will be dealing directly with the insurer, and are no longer dealing with Oracle Group Insurance Brokers. Oracle Group Insurance Brokers will receive a referral fee from the insurers if you proceed with the policy.

Travel Insurance

Relax on your next holiday knowing you’re covered

Personal Cyber

Protect your family from Cyber risks.

Vacant Land Insurance

Liability coverage for vacant land

Pet Insurance

Choose your Annual Limit, Access & Benefit Percentage. No sub-limits.


Australia’s fastest and most reliable audit insurance solution

Pilot Cover

Death benefit for accidental death whilst operating Australian aircraft

RAAus L2 Cover

RAAus aircraft maintenance activities Insurance

Bill Cover

Takes care of your bills

LAME Cover

Protection from liability claims resulting from LAME & AME activities


Protection for kit plane, vintage restoration or aircraft rebuild projects

Looking for something else? 

Please complete the short form below and one of our brokers will help you with the policy you need.